

ColoCrossing 布法罗(水牛城) IDC-1 机房高温警告⚠️
时间窗口:2024 年 6 月 18 日凌晨 12:00 至 2024 年 6 月 30 日凌晨 12:00

Buffalo IDC-1 High Temperatures

The ColoCrossing IDC-1 Buffalo Datacenter, located at 325 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo, experienced a temperature rise event between the hours of 4 PM ET and 10 PM ET today, June 18. The event has been resolved and temperatures are returning to normal at this time. The temperature rise event was the result of historically high, record breaking, environmental temperatures in the region. The extremely high outdoor temperatures resulted in a capacity reduction of the facility's cooling platform as air conditioning heat rejection systems become less efficient during times of exceptionally high ambient temperatures. This condition, joined with two other air conditioners experiencing faults, resulted in temperatures rising further inside the datacenter space. ColoCrossing personnel and the facility management team are onsite monitoring the situation to ensure that all systems continue to operate normally and that the datacenter temperatures continue to return to normal levels. Not all areas of the facility were impacted by the temperature rise event, and the majority of customer devices remained online and uninterrupted through the duration of the event. Thank you for your continued business and support.

Chris Fabozzi Director of Operations

ColoCrossing IDC-1水牛城数据中心,位于水牛城德拉华大道325号,目前正在经历温度上升事件。高温期始于6月18日下午,是由于该地区创纪录的高温天气造成的。极端高的室外温度导致设施冷却平台的容量减少,因为空调冷凝系统在异常高环境温度下效率降低。加之两台空调设备出现故障,导致数据中心内部温度进一步上升。ColoCrossing 的人员和设施管理团队正在现场处理这一情况。外部机械承包商预计将很快抵达,进一步协助解决问题。并非所有设施区域都受到影响,大部分客户设备保持在线且未受中断。我们正在全力解决温度上升事件,感谢受到影响者的耐心等待。随后将尽快提供进一步更新。

克里斯·法博齐 运营总监


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